I'm making some headway on the fairing. I feel like the hook is close to being done (plus I'm tired of looking at it), so I started pulling fairing compound foward today. I also pulled the first coat on the transom. I feel like the rest of the hull will go more quickly than the hook because I'll just be smoothing out the lines left by glass overlap, filling small imperfections, etc. I'll have the hull to use as a guide. With the hook, I've basically been sculpting a new bottom out of thin air, which is taking a lot of time. Today, the DHL man brought me a big vat of Quickfair and a resupply of spreaders, stirrers and cups, which should get me through the bottom of the hull at least, so I'm good to go. I need to find a flexible straight edge to pull the Quickfair up near the bow. The radii on the curves are much tighter up there and the piece of aluminum saw guide I've been using won't work on anything with much compound curvature. I'm told there is a large sheetrock knife at Lowe's that might do the job.
Frank finally finished his cedar strip canoe and it's pretty sweet. For pictures, check out his website through the link in the sidebar.
I went out to trim up some half-cured Quickfair tonight and found this robber fly stuck to the hull, a victim of the fast curing fairing compound. These guys ambush other insects in midair, especially honeybees, drag them to the ground, and suck the life out of them. Karma's a bitch sometimes, I guess.
Awesome post.
That picture of the robber fly is awesome. You should glass him in as a decoration.
Lookin good, Elie.
I've got to be honest, I never knew you would grow up to know so much about insects. My 7 year-old would consider you a God among men.
crap I was supppose to use little "g". There's a good chance I'm going to burn in hell now.
My morning coffee, web browsing routine quickly became far more interesting today. I remembered Cole D. stated you had a blog about this boat on the ride home yesterday and had to check it out.
This thing is awesome! You are doing great, Elie!
Thanks guys. I've been distracted recently, but put some time in on the boat tonight. The whole thing has rough fair on it now. I'll post a new report in a few days for those that are interested. Sorry for the lag between posts.
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