This page will hopefully chronicle the building of the Flats Stalker 18 from, a plywood composite skiff intended for chasing redfish in extremely shallow water. This will be my first foray into both boat building and web pages. Wish me luck! The posts on this page will only display with the most recent at the top, so if you want to start at the beginning, scroll down to the bottom and work your way up. The archive on the right is in chronological order, however. Most of the pictures can be clicked for a larger image. Feel free to leave comments by clicking the Comments link at the bottom of each post.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Time and money have been short of late, but I've been slowly picking away at the boat. The stringers are in, and last night I glued in the transom knees. I also have the chase for my gas line set up how I want it. It's not tacked in the boat, but it is glued together for the most part. I think that I'm going to run a chase under the gunnels for the electric. It's the only way to keep it totally separated from the gas line under the sole since there's just not a lot of room under there. The stringers have been the first part of the boat that have required the standard fillet and tape technique, which I missed out on getting pictures of. I'll try to do better on the frames. If not, Bayport Bob has some great pics of the technique on his site. Here are a few of where I stand right now. Please disregard the heinous epoxy work. The stuff gets pretty viscous when it's cold. I used too much to wet out the glass on the first stringer, and it ended up running out of the laminate in the middle of the night. At least it will be buried under a layer of foam and a sole.

I'm going to do my best to make sure the boat is really set up level, and then start getting some frames in it. If DHL can stop running around in circles and bring me my supplies, I'll be set. Friday night it was in Ft. Walton Beach, FL, 40 minutes from house. Last night, it was in Ohio. Nice job DHL.